
What is Pilates?

Pilates uses controlled, flowing movements in conjunction with the breath to strengthen the body, improve mobility and enhance balance and flexibility. 

Exercises target both deep and superficial muscles which helps to encourage correct posture and alignment of the body.  It also aims to create a 'mind-body' connection by improving your awareness of your body's movement patterns.

Developed by Joseph Pilates in the 1920's, originally to help rehabilitate soliders, Pilates is a great way to connect with the way your body moves and enhance your overall fitness and well-being.

Benefits of Pilates

Any form of exercise will help both physical and mental well-being.  Pilates provides many specific benefits if practiced regularly, including improving:

Is Pilates for me?

Pilates will benefit a huge range of people: Whether you're wanting to get back into shape, recovering from an injury or already very active and looking to enhance your exercise programme, Pilates is a great form of exercise.

All levels are welcome to group classes because each exercise can be modified to suit a range of abilities - this means that classes are both safe and challenging and will help you to meet your exercise goals.